

  The National Digital Communications Policy, 2018 (NDCP) underlines the potential for US100 billion telecom infrastructure convergence for IT, telecom and broa...

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  The National Digital Communications Policy, 2018 (NDCP) underlines the potential for US100 billion telecom infrastructure convergence for IT, telecom and broadcasting.3 percent increase in India’s GDP. We’re however seeing that a significant part of the country still remains unconnected to the digital super-highway. This has been accorded the highest priority as it is the lifeline on which all next generation services will run.8 crore amounting to 2. wood beads Supplierspercent increase in the rate of State GDP growth. of Telecom, Govt. This comes at an opportune time, when the National Digital Communications Policy 2018 (NDCP) underlines an ecosystem of convergence spanning IT, Telecom and broadcasting and in the backdrop of revolutionary new technologies such as 5G IoT. The study found that a 10 percent increase in Internet subscribers delivers. ICRIER BIF StudyProposed impact of US100 billion investment envisioned by National Digital Communications Policy 2018 could cumulatively add US 1.”Aruna Sundararajan, Chairperson National Digital Commission Secretary, Dept.

  Already digital investment inspires massive growth dividends.6 percent. While the impact of mobile penetration may have begun to moderate, the impact of internet continues to be on the rise. This is because of increasing use of the internet in improving existing business models and notably creating newer ones thus enabling markets to become more efficient. The cumulative investment during this period was Rs. We’re seeing that the growth dividends from the internet are significantly higher than mobile (voice).3% increase in GDP.Similarly, ICRIER first presented theestimates for impact of Internetin India using socio-economic variables across 19 states for the period 2001 to 2010.Releasing the report at the Conference on Digital Infrastructure for Transforming India in New Delhi,Amitabh Kant, CEO Niti Aayogsaid, “India can become a digitally empowered society and a knowledge economy only by digitally leapfrogging using digital technology and broadband connectivity to enable even higher and sustained growth. And yet this seems an underestimate. 7,47,652.

  We felt that it was time to re-look and re-quantify the benefits of telecom linked technologies and investments for both, states as well as the overall economy. It is critical therefore for states across India to leverage this to ensure greater direct and spill-over benefits. Investments in telecom increased at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.3% during this time. The impact of investments in telecommunications on GDP growth is computed for the period 2010-11 to 2017-18. Ramachandran, President, Broadband India Forumsaid, Telecom infrastructure has rightly acquired the tag of a General Purpose Technology (GPT) with the internet and mobile based communications generating multiplier and spill-over benefits for the national economy. While the first wave of largely mobile (voice) revolution heralded a new age of growth and dynamism to the economy, the second wave is now being led by the growth of internet subscribers and investments in telecommunication infrastructure, leading to exponential benefits to the economic and GDP growth.

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